Sunday, March 3, 2013

Softball and Updates

Dear Not-So-Imaginary-Readers,

It's the beginning of March, which means it's the start of spring sports! I don't think I've ever mentioned this before, but I'm big on softball. I didn't have the time to play the past two years, but I'm going to try out for the school team this year. Tryouts start tomorrow (wish me luck!).

One of the problems I'm having is that I don't know which position to play. Okay, if you've never played baseball/softball before then there are nine positions in the field.

'LF' = Left Fielder. They cover their part of the outfield.
'CF' = Center Fielder. They have to be able to cover their part and parts of Left and Right field.
'RF' = Right Fielder. They cover the right part of the outfield.

'FB' = First baseman. They have to be able to cover their base, and must be able to catch REALLY well and throw very well also.
'SB' = Second Baseman. If the ball isn't where they have to cover, the second baseman covers second base.
'SS' = Short Stop. If the ball IS coming towards Second Base, the Short Stop will cover second and act as Second Baseman.
'TB' = Third Baseman. They should be able to throw far and quickly.
'P' = Pitcher. Obviously, they have to be good at throwing. In baseball, they throw a smaller ball than in softball and they throw overhand. In softball, the ball is bigger and they throw underhand.
'C' = Catcher. They have to be able to get to the ball quickly if it's bunted and throw it to the first baseman quickly, AND must be able to catch extremely well.

Those are basically what the people do. Go ahead and ignore that little chart if you want to, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to doodle the fielders. Heh.
I KNOW that I can't be an out-fielder (I can't throw as far as they have to), and I can't be Pitcher/Catcher/First baseman. I'm probably going to end up as second base, which is a bit embarassing because it's the easiest position, but, hey, I'm a Freshman in High School, you can't expect me to be a star first baseman, can you?

OKAY, the other thing I was going to talk about. I'm updating the blog's background. I don't like the text being white and the background being black, so I'm going to change it up a bit. Does the white on black bother you as much as it does me? I don't know, all I know is that I don't like it. *shakes head*. I don't like it at all, so I'm going to change it.

I'm also probably going to update a bunch of my pages, and maybe put up a different conversation for the Charrie Chat page thing. I really want to change the blog's website title, but if someone just knows this blog by its URL, I don't want to lose them, so I'm keeping the URL.

Well, I'll be back for more blogging later, but I've got to head to a huge mall today for my mitt and some cleats, and I wouldn't expect a blog post this next week because I have tryouts.

Until then,
Beth (not really)

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