Friday, December 28, 2012

Excerpt of my novel:

Well, I haven't been writing at all since NaNo, so I decided to pour a couple thousand words into my document. I'm glad to say that I've gotten back into the 'groove' of writing. After all, in order to get five free copies of my novel from winning NaNoWriMo, at LEAST the first draft has to be done by June. And I'd prefer to have a second draft done by then.
So I've been working hard on it, and I've decided that I can give you guys an excerpt of my writing, and you can tell me what you think of it.
It IS kind of weird and somewhat creepy. My character Nicole IS kind of mentally disturbed, after all. But if I can actually get you guys to COMMENT and tell me what you think of the excerpt, it'd be much appreciated.

Nicole was sitting in her room, a vacuous look in her eyes. She kept staring at the door, as though she were expecting something. Nicole rarely waited for anything now, and lived in a suspended state of emptiness. Barely a muscle moved in her body. She didn’t even breathe and she didn’t blink.
It went on like this for a couple seconds, and then a minute, and the time stretched to several minutes. She still hadn’t blinked or breathed. Finally, after five or so minutes, Nicole closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
A voice, deep and bellowing too loud for man, spoke in Nicole’s mind.
Yes, my slave, you have done well. I expect you know who I am, my pet?
Nicole nodded, smiling, and opened her dark eyes again.

Well? How good/bad was that? I've heard that I need to use better vocabulary (as if I didn't know that already).
OH, right. Generally I don't try to be so stressed about getting NaNo's prize. Winning NaNo itself is enough for me. I mean, I get SUCH bragging rights from it! Anyways, this year I'm going to be sending one of my five copies to a friend of mine that lives... really far from me.
So comment. PLEASE! You know you want to. ;D
Beth (not really)

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