Saturday, November 24, 2012

Write a Novel in a Month? Accomplished

Technically I haven't finished the novel yet, but I've surpassed 50,000 words! Hooray! Now I have time to write more and not be super stressed out about it! And then I can finish what I'm working on! (I'm working on a re-write of last year's NaNoWriMo novel).
One of the best parts of NaNo in the first place are the NaNoToons ;D (, but that aside, it's been really great. I've gotten to bind closer with my writing friends, which is awesome. See, most of the year we just talk about regular life, but now that it's NaNo, we talk about WRITING and our NOVELS, and almost nothing else. Honestly, most of the time, when someone enters, they're bombarded with 'Hey, how's the NaNo novel coming along?'
I'm super excited for tomorrow! The 25th of November is the day that validation starts. That means that I just have to copy-and-paste my novel into a box, and then suddenly I'm officially a NaNo WINNER!
Now, it may not seem like much. I don't get money or an iPad or my name on a wall of fame or anything (actually, I don't know. Before I think they had a wall of winners. :/), but I DO have bragging rights, and I get five free copies of the novel I wrote/am finishing by CreateSpace, which is AWESOME.
Why's it so awesome? I get to read my story in book form, and avoid letting any of my friends read it (I'm very shy when it comes to letting people read my entire novel. I'm okay with letting them read snippits, but the entire novel is a no-no. Don't ask me how I'll manage if-sorry, WHEN-I get published someday, but I will). Okay, I might lent out one of the copies to them if they're nice about it.
Now, tell me to shut up and stop blogging! I should be continuing my re-write!

Beth (not really)

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