Monday, August 20, 2012

Liebster Somethin' or other

xD Well, I got nominated for this thing (thank you so much Evening Star. :P) and now I have to post. Yay. Oh well, better bustle down and post already, eh?

Official rules:
The Liebster Award are for bloggers with less than 200 followers. Award winners share 11 facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who tagged them, come up with 11 of their own questions and tag 11 more bloggers with the award.
11 facts about myself? That shouldn't be TOO hard, I suppose...

1.) I love platypuses. Seriously. I, like, LOVE them. I got the nickname 'Perry' last year (despite my hating it and being a girl) because I like them so much.
2.) I don't watch television. Well, kind of. If the t.v. show is on disk at the library than I might watch it, but besides that... eh.
3.) I love writing. I try to write all the time and my goal is to get my first novel out to an agent (at LEAST) by the time I'm sixteen (I've got two years...), which shouldn't be TOO hard, seeing as I just need to re-write and edit the novel a bit...
4.) I have participated in NaNoWriMo, and expect to participate every year. It's basically the whole write 50K words in a month. It's actually SUPER fun.
5.) Despite my liking mystery shows/novels (I LOVE watching Monk and Numbers and I'll probably get hooked on Psych when I get it), I can't write them worth crap.
6.) I'm feeling a little agitated that I have to write 11 facts and I can't come up with them. xD
7.) I'm very protective of my writing and if anyone ever stole any of it I would hunt them down and sue their sorry little butts.
8.) My real name isn't Beth. Or Elizabeth for all you smart alecs out there. :P
9.) I'm not very social when it comes to talking to people face to face.
10.) If my friend is being bullied and stuff I will boil on the inside until it all pours over and I explode and scream at the bully about how stupid and immature they are.
11.) Despite what some people might think *rolls eyes*, I can be super mature for my age and am not always super bouncy and hyper. And also despite what some people think, I'm not always super mature for my age and can be super bouncy and hyper. I just tend to stick with one personality with different groups of people, but I'm legitamitely both.

Okay, and NOW I've got to answer questions.

  1. Have you ever gone to Walmart in the middle of the night? Nope. Haven't been to Walmart in three years.
  2. Have you ever gone to the circus? Yep, I went to one last year actually. It was ridiculous.
  3. Do you like to eat bananas? Yes, I eat bananas.
  4. Favorite color? Red. And blue.
  5. Favorite food? Steeeeak. <3_<3 Well, either that or apples.
  6. Weird obsessions you have? Platypuses. And I also... er... hmmm... oh yeah. I blog. :3
  7. Why you wrote your blog? I was bored one day and was bored of physically telling people about my novels.
  8. Favorite number? If you mean my LUCKY number it's 11.
  9. Favorite blog? My favorite blog... oh that's a hard one. I like What I Have to Say, Abnormal Angels, and Writing and Drawing beyond Ice Cream. But Sons and Daughters is definitely close after them.
  10. Favorite book? That's hard... I honestly don't know.
  11. Favorite author? Agatha Christie, Ted Dekker, J.K. Rowling, Bryan Davis, and moi come to mind. xD jk about moi.

THERE, DONE. :3 Oh yeah, I should probably show you the... thingy.

That's all for now!
Beth (not really)

Update: LOLOLOL, I forgot to add other bloggers and ask them questions. xD

Here are the questions:
1.) What if your favorite type of pie?
2.) If you owned a purple, blue polka dotted elephant that flew with it's ears (like dumbo kind of) and wore a huge purple hat and had neon green sun-glasses with a stub for a tail because when it was younger it was just able to escape the Purple-Blue-polka-dotted-Elephant-that-Flies-with-it's-Ears-(like Dumbo Kind of)-and-Wears-a-Huge-Purple-Hat-and-had-Neon-Green-Sunglasses Hunting Club, what would you name it?
3.) What is your biggest phobia?
4.) Any hobbies?
5.) If given the option, would you parcoure from the book shelves at your local library?
6.) Did I just butcher the word 'parcoure'?
7.) Do you like my questions?
8.) Would you consider yourself a follower or a leader? (i.e. do you prefer sheep/lemmings or Alpha Males/Females in wolf packs?)
9.) If I became a published author would you buy my novels?
9.) (Yeah I know I posted 9 twice, you can answer either of them) Are you a writer?
10.) If you answered yes to 'are you a writer', would you actually consider doing NaNoWriMo?
11.) How many questions did I give you?

And I say...

Ivyvine of Writing and Drawing beyond Ice Cream

Because, in all honesty, I don't know any other bloggers. xD

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