Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kristen's Interview!!

Welcome back to BNC (Beth (Not really)'s News Channel)! I am Beth (not really), here to bring YOU our promised interviews.
So today, we have brought in Kristen Jane Johnson, main character and protagonist of my first official series. If you'll just wait a moment for us to get adjusted, the interview will continue.
Beth: Welcome Kristen.
Kristen: It's an honor you let me break the fourth wall. It doesn't happen a whole lot.
Beth: Ahh, your welcome. So, to commence the interview, tell us about our first setting, the Institute of Discovery.
Kristen: I can't say I'm glad you asked. Well, it's actually a pretty successful medical laboratory. Almost half the country knows about it, and probably all the doctors and scientists working with medicine want to work there. The only problem is the director, Bob. He hates change, and all mutants are his enemies. Ironically, he uses lab humans instead of lab rats, and all that become mutants are sent Underground to the slave camp. Conditions are horrific, over-working us to death. Act up and you get a warning, but three strikes and to the furnace you'll go!
Beth: That's horrifying! And yet you nerved escaping. Why when you knew the high risk?
Kristen: You see, Ben convinced me on this one. He told me it was better to die than to stay here anyways. That made more than enough sense for me!
Beth: As it does for me! So, what is going on between you and Ben?
Kristen: Nothing. I think he's a good friend and an excellent follower, but he likes me more than that. Thankfully he keeps his feelings to himself.
Beth: Rumors say otherwise...
Kristen: What do they say?
Beth: Oh, they're silly!
Kristen: No, really, what do they say?
Beth: Well, they say you feel the same towards Ben and won't admit it.
Kristen: That's silly! I'll bet Ben came up with that.
Beth: Wouldn't surprise me. So, how do you feel about Raevin?
Kristen: Saying we're best friends doesn't quite fit. She saved my life, and I'm thankful, but we don't always see eye-to-eye. She's like a younger sister. The time together is either great or a pain in the butt.
Beth: Ahh, that sounds like my little brother and I! What do you think of Mr. J's threats, exactly?
Kristen: They definitely aren't empty threats, he's proved that. Mr. J has power, but lacks a bit of mental power that we have. He delays to think things through while we make snap decisions. I say we can defeat this guy.
Beth: Ahh... very smart thinking on your part! For another question, what about your cousin? What do you know about her?
Kristen: Nicole? It's hard to say. She used to be brilliant and completely sound. Honestly, I don't know anymore. She went insane and was thrown in here with me. That's all I know.
Beth: Not much I see. You used to be popular and loved before this huge Institute problem popped up. Would you ever go back to that life if given the option?
Kristen: Honestly? I miss my friends and being admired and rich, but I was so shallow! My friends were around to look cool and for my money. My friends now wouldn't let me think I'm better than them for a second, which makes a lot more sense. No, I don't think I'd go back.
Beth: Thank you Kristen for this fabulous interview! That's all for today, folks. Tomorrow, we move on to Ben. Stay tuned!

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