Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today on BNC (Beth (not really)'s News Channel):

Hello and thank you for tuning into the Beth (not really)'s News Channel. I am Beth (not really), here to bring YOU, our latest news.
Of course, as viewers, you realize that most of what is said on this very famous (not really) blog and news station, our information is very useless. For example, we post the most useless details about Beth (not really)'s writing. Knowing that she probably will never be accepted by any agent, what's the point in actually telling you all of this? Because it's fun to watch the views go up no matter how useless the information is.
Anyways, I'm Beth (not really) signing on to Beth (not really)'s News Channel.
Okay, our top story today is that, coming soon to our Channel, we will be having interviews with the characters from Beth (not really)'s latest trilogy. Yes, YOU will be reading interviews by your's truly to the characters Kristen, Raevin, Ben, Trinity, Nicole, Mr. J, and Hope the angel all in one week. Seven interviews for seven days.
When will this happen? No idea. Probably the middle or end of this month. After all, Beth (not really) must come up with decent questions, and write it down so that she can just edit and click the little 'Publish' button to finish off a day's work.
This DOES NOT MEAN that she will stop posting. Random facts about how this scene is nagging her and how this character refuses to cooperate will still be going on. It just means that they might be less frequent as she tries to do her massive homework loads, write up the interview Q&As, AND write blog posts for THREE DIFFERENT BLOGS. That's a lot of work to do, along with swimming, saxophone practicing, after-school meetings, social life, AND potentially physical therapy. Plus the many trips an hour and a half away for her back brace. Let's say 'Holy lots o' work, Batman!' for those of you who don't understand.

Signing off,
Beth (not really)


  1. I can't wait! I finally found the comment button. Apparently it's colored black, so it blends in. Can you please change it so I can find it again later? xD I know, weird problem.

    So, I wanted to tell you that your books sound AMAZING! Honestly. Like, really.

    So good luck, and I hope that you can give me all I want!!! xD

    1. I hate the fact that it's black too. I'll try and change it, but I don't know whether it worked last time I tried. :/

      Thank you. :3

      That's the goal. :P


You know you want to.